A Course In

by Richard L. Floyd

Are you looking for a program that will help adults gain a better understanding of the basics of the Christian faith and a deeper appreciation for the power of God in their lives? A Course in Basic Christianity is an eight-week (one session per week) course developed and used successfully in dozens of local churches. It is a refresher course for adults for whom it has been a long time since Confirmation or membership class. It is equally helpful for a new member or a long-standing one. It has also been used as a Confirmation course.

Here is what some pastors say about it:

“An excellent course for a group study, easy to follow and to lead. With well-selected readings from the great thinkers of Christian history, you will leave wanting to learn more about theology and the story of the church. Intellectually rigorous without being off-putting, this course is perfect for the thinking Christian who has forgotten, or perhaps never had, confirmation class.” Lillian Daniel, Senior Minister, First Congregational Church of Dubuque, Iowa.

“I have held the Course in Basic Christianity 6 times and always with tremendous response from a fully enrolled class of adults.” Steven A. Small, Senior Pastor Emeritus, West Boylston Congregational Church, Massachusetts.

“I like Pastor Rick Floyd’s A Course in Basic Christianity.” Anthony Robinson in his What’s Theology Got to Do with it?


✤ How do we know God?
✤ How do we interpret the Bible?
✤ What do we know about the creeds and doctrines of the church today?
✤ How do we pray?
✤ What is worship?
✤ What do Baptism and the Lord’s Supper mean?
✤ What do the Ten Commandments have to tell us about our lives?

✤ What is the church?

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Cost: Course books are $9.95 (formerly $14.95) plus shipping and handling (10% of the total). Mass. residents only please add $.93 sales tax for each book ordered or send form ST-2, Certificate of Exemption and Form ST-5, Sales Tax Exempt Purchaser Certificate for non-profit organizations. The Instructor’s Manual is $4.95 per copy or free with purchase of 10 or more books. Make checks payable and send to:

The Reverend Dr. Richard L. Floyd
33 Nottingham Drive Pittsfield, MA 01201

14 thoughts on “A Course In BASIC CHRISTIANITY

  1. Thank you for your devotional today, April 10, 2014, in “Stillspeaking”. What great illustrations from Scripture using the Cinderella story. That would be a good discussion to have with anyone of any age. I’m thinking teens who find the Bible “distant” or “non-applicable” to their lives today, they could have some great conversation. .
    Peace, Louise Tallman, Lady Lake, FL

  2. Saw your article on Paul and Eutychus falling asleep during worship service. I was raised in traditional Quaker Meeting where there was silence until someone was moved to speak, and sometimes no one was moved to speak for the entire hour or so. No hymns, no appointed readings, not even a collection to keep things “exciting” and “interesting”, When someone did speak it was almost always in a calm Quakerly voice, you may denounce war passionately, but always in good form. I remember old Meeting minutes saying “Meeting was reasonably clear of sleeping”… Snoring was usually stopped by a gentle nudge of someone close by. There was “The Quaker Choir” which was made up of those who skipped breakfast and had a growling belly, and if thee giggled at the growl, thee got a look from an Elder Friend that brought silence. But I do remember a Friend saying that you can only fall asleep in a situation and among people where you felt safe. It seems that there are less and less available places where we feel safe today where our souls can rest.
    As a pastor (and how did that happen to a Quaker boy?), I do try to “keep Meeting free of sleeping”,
    but should it occur I feel comforted the person felt safe enough in our midst to fall asleep. I do have a strict rule of “No Sleeping in Windows”, after all – I do have to have some kind of control of the congregation!

    • Stan, Thanks for the nice comment. It brought on nostalgia for some of my Quaker memories. My Dad belonged to 15th Street Meeting in New York, and I served a program meeting in RI my last year at Andover Newton. I have lots of fond memories of the Quakers. My Dad liked to quote the axiom, “Don’t speak unless you can improve on the silence.”

  3. Dr. Dr. Floyd.
    First, thank you for your inspiring words in the post, “Unfinished Business.” I think I have some unfinished business of my own to attend to in term of my Christian journey.
    I have sent away for your course. Meanwhile, can your recommend any pastors in the North Plainfield, New Jersey with whom I could discern where I am at in my faith journey with Jesus. I am a born and raised Catholic, but becoming more and more distant from the Church as an institution. Thank you.

  4. Thank you, Reverend. Interesting that your devotion referenced him: “Eugene Peterson’s phrase, ‘tourists and not pilgrims.'”Yes, the search is to be a pilgrim. I have been finding a lot of fruit in the wisdom shared by Eugene Peterson lately. Taken to reading the Psalms aloud, as he suggested. My “shopping” is not something I take lightly. I have thought and thought about it. But, yes, you are right. We are Church with all our imperfections. Your devotions also brought me to the UCC site which list some local churches. Just feel a need to talk to someone right now about where I am at. I I have reached out to our local Priest, but seems like they don’t like to talk about the difficult things. I feel Jesus calling me strongly in a variety of ways. Right now, it’s time to be Grandpa and help my single daughter raise baby-toddler, Joseph. But feeling adrift from my mother church. Long story, best done during a sit down with someone who could appreciate my journey. Anyway, I will check out the UCC site for some local churches to find a pastor to chat with. Thanks again.

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